Cromwells death heralded monarchical Triumphalism. The lies of so called republicans, who were really nothing more than mob loving democrats were revealed.
When the French Revolution turned bad, the pretensions of radical equality, dissolving the time tested social gradations among the populace, government by citizens rather than the elite class, were all revealed to be disastrous rules for any nation.
The French revolutionaries and Cromwell's Parliamentarian fellow travelers all ended with tyranny, while starting out on the road to a better, more just world.
This was the failure of egalitarianism. The failure of the mobs right to disobey and question their social betters.
Many was the idiot who concluded that the many forms of Republican or representational government advocated in the 17th to 19th centuries were revealed to be nothing more than the lies of men who sought to use the passions of the mob to their own ends.
Now, the idiots proclaim the victory of capitalism over communism.
The Corn Laws were capitalist, but objected to by proponents of free trade. Jefferson set up state banks, which is inconsistent with the truly free market envisioned by Libertarian types.
The East Indian Tea Company, as well as many English colonies in North America, were both private companies and governmental agencies, insofar as they carried out many functions of a state, existed solely on the authority of the state, and existed primarily for their own financial profit through the control of trade.
This was Capitalism, but not what anyone calls free trade.
And just as only an idiot would seek to confuse the prescriptive and descriptive variants of Capitalism, so too would one have to be functioning with a beaten down analytic capacity to make repeated declarations regarding Communism, without acknowledging the fact that the term refers to an entirely obvious and diverse set of doctrines and systems.
The Russian Soviet System failed, as did the British Imperial System, back when it was an Empire. The early American government failed, and it become a modern, militaristic semi-welfare state.
But from the common leap from the collapse of the Soviet System to the ideological bankruptcy of the myriad strands of Socialism, Anarchism and Communism is a non-sequitur that you one obliged to believe solely in the absence of any thought of your own, without any consideration of who you are referring you to, and the context these ideas exist in.
Those in European countries who fought long and hard, losing their lives and their privileges for the cause of the freedom of men (lighter toned men) and then for the right of all people in general to participate in their own government were, at every step, ridiculed and met with indignation by many protectors of grand old tradition.
So too now are those who want the working class to take control of their own destiny, end economic exploitation of anybody-who-can against anybody-who-can't, and continue in the tradition of the political progress that ended entrenched royalty's domination of Europe, bring about a more just society-so too are these sorts now derided as dreamers of the impossible, as dangerous panderers to the easily beguiled masses, and as, above all, secret tyrants.
To fight the clarity of history's next reasonable step, the theological doctrine of Rights is thrown up as a barricade to protect the hierarchies of rich and poor. And rights, in reality, are intentions in our mind, and recognized codes of behavior, which we decide and debate.
So too is our system of economics and government subject to our intent, subject to our will, subject to the power of mind, which both perpetuates it and obstructs it.
Again, our system, founded on Rights, is a left over of Natural Theology, that God has an order that we're obligated to follow.
But as Marx, Bakunin, and all the others who Republicans and other geniuses consider to be close theoretical peers of Barack Obama realized, we make society, by our work, and we are at the same time, boxed in, pushed and pulled by the system we perpetuate without even intending to. We make it, and we can break it.
The history of recent European History (since the start of the common era) shows that progress to ever greater equality, and ever greater beneficial inclusion of more members of society is possible and desirable.
But stupid accusations of Socialism are still made by experts and the educated who themselves have no clear grasp on what they refer to, other than some simplistic categorization made up by those who oppose it (like a Satanist writing the dictionary entry for "Christian".)
Socialism, including Anarchism, Marxism, and Communism, are rich theoretical traditions that offer us new ways to think, and to live.
Socialism brings us to a clear view of our system, explanation for the persistence of poverty, of war, of exploitation, of betrayal of democracy.
Socialism is not some idealistic wishful thinking, it is a series of theoretical perspectives that give us a way to advance into the future, to advance over our present stage of history, and to get past such theological notions as our present understanding of "government," "rights", and "capitalism."
And in contrast, we have another future: The unplanned, the shrugged shoulders of American rulers.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
NEXT-DIMENSION EDITORIAL: Obama's 'Emancipation' Actually Threatens Middle Class
Swept to power on a wave of self-conscious shame at the patriotism aroused in the face of Al Qaeda's vicious blow at the heart of our Christian nation, Barack Obama has gotten away with quite a lot in his first eight months.
Not only has he implemented his radical leftist agenda of Government domination of our free market, he has also appointed countless czars, to override the traditional powers held by various parts of our national government, as intended by our founding fathers.
It is not enough that he has single handedly quadrupled the power and size of government, now he has revealed the strictly radical Marxist character of his political philosophy.
"Free the slaves!", he snarls. "We can't just continue down the same road!"
And the liberals who control the media applaud and place their hands over the hearts in a million schoolyard crushes, all directed at this demagogue, who seeks in a few years to abolish our noble traditions.
As a negro, it is natural that Mr. Obama would follow his tribal instinct, particularly, since he was born and raised in the deepest Jungles of Africa, and not in America, as Real Americans are born.
But, to 'emancipate' the slaves, as everyone conveniently fails to mention, will bring utter devastation to the economy, cripple the middle class, give this tyrant a ready army of his fellow Africans, and utterly destroy the principle of Private Property.
What is to stop the government from seizing any man's house, horse, or machine, if thousands of legally owned assets are ripped out of the hands of law abiding citizens by Obama's decree?
Who will be there to stop him when he emancipates the property of any white man who opposes his experimental socialist policies?
And if Real Americans should, at a later date, be shaken out of their slumber, how will they be able to fight off the mobs of 'free' negroes, who, in their basic simple nature, are so easily swayed by Obama's hatred of the White Race?
Now to the crux of this so called 'emancipation.' What the Muslim-lovers in the media will not tell you is that the hardest hit by this imperious decree will, in fact, be the small businessman. The mom and pop enterprise, who barely get buy month to month with the work of his meager collection of slaves.
They tell you its the rich they are going after, the large plantations, the tobacoo and cotton giants. But, in fact, it has always been the goal of the Abolitionist movement to take away the power of the little man to earn his keep and provide for his family.
This so called emancipation is nothing more than plain theft, theft by the government, theft of property, theft of our heritage, and, most of all, theft our Country.
Let us pray that Obama fails, and fails miserably. Let us pray night and day for this African's failure, foregoing eat and sleep if it gives us more time to pray for his downfall.
Not only has he implemented his radical leftist agenda of Government domination of our free market, he has also appointed countless czars, to override the traditional powers held by various parts of our national government, as intended by our founding fathers.
It is not enough that he has single handedly quadrupled the power and size of government, now he has revealed the strictly radical Marxist character of his political philosophy.
"Free the slaves!", he snarls. "We can't just continue down the same road!"
And the liberals who control the media applaud and place their hands over the hearts in a million schoolyard crushes, all directed at this demagogue, who seeks in a few years to abolish our noble traditions.
As a negro, it is natural that Mr. Obama would follow his tribal instinct, particularly, since he was born and raised in the deepest Jungles of Africa, and not in America, as Real Americans are born.
But, to 'emancipate' the slaves, as everyone conveniently fails to mention, will bring utter devastation to the economy, cripple the middle class, give this tyrant a ready army of his fellow Africans, and utterly destroy the principle of Private Property.
What is to stop the government from seizing any man's house, horse, or machine, if thousands of legally owned assets are ripped out of the hands of law abiding citizens by Obama's decree?
Who will be there to stop him when he emancipates the property of any white man who opposes his experimental socialist policies?
And if Real Americans should, at a later date, be shaken out of their slumber, how will they be able to fight off the mobs of 'free' negroes, who, in their basic simple nature, are so easily swayed by Obama's hatred of the White Race?
Now to the crux of this so called 'emancipation.' What the Muslim-lovers in the media will not tell you is that the hardest hit by this imperious decree will, in fact, be the small businessman. The mom and pop enterprise, who barely get buy month to month with the work of his meager collection of slaves.
They tell you its the rich they are going after, the large plantations, the tobacoo and cotton giants. But, in fact, it has always been the goal of the Abolitionist movement to take away the power of the little man to earn his keep and provide for his family.
This so called emancipation is nothing more than plain theft, theft by the government, theft of property, theft of our heritage, and, most of all, theft our Country.
Let us pray that Obama fails, and fails miserably. Let us pray night and day for this African's failure, foregoing eat and sleep if it gives us more time to pray for his downfall.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Modernization: Zou Ji & Customer Service
Original Text:邹忌修八尺有馀,身体昳丽。朝服衣冠窥镜,谓其妻曰:“我孰与城北徐公美?”其妻曰:“君美甚,徐公何能及公也!”城北徐公,齐国之美丽者也。忌不自信, 而复问其妾曰:“吾孰与徐公美?”妾曰:“徐公何能及君也!”旦日客从外来,与坐谈,问之客曰:“吾与徐公孰美?”客曰:“徐公不若君之美也!”明日,徐 公来。孰视之,自以为不如;窥镜而自视,又弗如远甚。暮,寝而思之曰:“吾妻之美我者,私我也;妾之美我者,畏我也;客之美我者,欲有求于我也。”于是入 朝见威王曰:“臣诚知不如徐公美,臣之妻私臣,臣之妾畏臣,臣之客欲有求于臣,皆以美于徐公。今齐地方千里,百二十城,宫妇左右,莫不私王;朝廷之臣,莫 不畏王;四境之内,莫不有求于王。由此观之,王之蔽甚矣!”王曰:“善。”乃下令:“群臣吏民,能面刺寡人之过者,受上赏;上书谏寡人者,受中赏;能谤议 于市朝,闻寡人之耳者,受下赏。”令初下,群臣进谏,门庭若市。数月之后,时时而间进。期年之后,虽欲言,无可进者。燕、赵、韩、魏闻之,皆朝于齐。此所 谓战胜于朝廷。
Zou Ji was afraid of honesty and criticism, he intimidated everyone around him into flattering him and pretending to love everything he said.
One day, he began to fear that Xu Gong, a man in a neighboring country, was hotter than him.
Zou Ji himself was gorgeous, tall, slender, and elegant, with long hair and a fluttering mustache.
But, everyone was talking about Xu Gong now, he was on all the covers of the teen mags, next to Prince William, and all the hotties from the Disney Channel.
Zou Ji began to grow weak after a few weeks, not eating because just thinking of Xu Gong made him fell fat.
He asked his wife who was prettier, him or Xu Gong, his wife said that he, Zou Ji, was wayyyy hotter than Xu Gong.
Zou Ji didn't trust her, so he asked his mistress, who said the same thing, than he asked all of his staff, including the interns, who said the same thing.
But he just couldn't trust all these people who felt obligated to tell him what he wanted to hear. He grew weaker, living on one protein bar a day.
Than a visitor from another country came, and Zou Ji, tried again with the question. The visitor said the same thing as everyone else. Zou Ji decided that the visitor was just flattering him because the visitor wanted something from him.
Finally he went to the prime minister and said, "Everyone says I'm hotter than Xu Gong, but they're all just doing it to keep me on their good side."
The Prime Minister nodded wisely, "An important matter, a most urgent dilemma."
Than, Zou Ji decided that he would institute a year long policy of open criticism free from prosecution or negative consequences.
All the people of Zou Ji's country came forth and voiced their criticism, and Zou Ji found that they had no interest in his or Xu Gong's appearance, rather, they wanted improvement in their living conditions, public infrastructure, economic development, and educational opportunities.
Zou Ji just let them vent, and after five months, they were done. Now they felt like they had got something, and the Prime Minister didn't need to really deal much with their complaints, or worry about them revolting because of unaddressed grievances.
All the neighboring kingdoms realized this was a way of placating the populace without dealing with their problems, it allowed them to do things the way they always had, pacify the people, and look magnanimous. Eventually, all the neighboring set up special complaint hotlines, were their complaints and problems were listened to and disregarded.
Zou Ji was afraid of honesty and criticism, he intimidated everyone around him into flattering him and pretending to love everything he said.
One day, he began to fear that Xu Gong, a man in a neighboring country, was hotter than him.
Zou Ji himself was gorgeous, tall, slender, and elegant, with long hair and a fluttering mustache.
But, everyone was talking about Xu Gong now, he was on all the covers of the teen mags, next to Prince William, and all the hotties from the Disney Channel.
Zou Ji began to grow weak after a few weeks, not eating because just thinking of Xu Gong made him fell fat.
He asked his wife who was prettier, him or Xu Gong, his wife said that he, Zou Ji, was wayyyy hotter than Xu Gong.
Zou Ji didn't trust her, so he asked his mistress, who said the same thing, than he asked all of his staff, including the interns, who said the same thing.
But he just couldn't trust all these people who felt obligated to tell him what he wanted to hear. He grew weaker, living on one protein bar a day.
Than a visitor from another country came, and Zou Ji, tried again with the question. The visitor said the same thing as everyone else. Zou Ji decided that the visitor was just flattering him because the visitor wanted something from him.
Finally he went to the prime minister and said, "Everyone says I'm hotter than Xu Gong, but they're all just doing it to keep me on their good side."
The Prime Minister nodded wisely, "An important matter, a most urgent dilemma."
Than, Zou Ji decided that he would institute a year long policy of open criticism free from prosecution or negative consequences.
All the people of Zou Ji's country came forth and voiced their criticism, and Zou Ji found that they had no interest in his or Xu Gong's appearance, rather, they wanted improvement in their living conditions, public infrastructure, economic development, and educational opportunities.
Zou Ji just let them vent, and after five months, they were done. Now they felt like they had got something, and the Prime Minister didn't need to really deal much with their complaints, or worry about them revolting because of unaddressed grievances.
All the neighboring kingdoms realized this was a way of placating the populace without dealing with their problems, it allowed them to do things the way they always had, pacify the people, and look magnanimous. Eventually, all the neighboring set up special complaint hotlines, were their complaints and problems were listened to and disregarded.
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