Thursday, June 21, 2007

FICTION 待轮的冒险旅行 PT 2 p. 88 i talk to the guy to find out whats the deelio

Alright, cool beans! I'm just going to wait for that foolio to bust up in this room and then I'm gonna get the facts straight on it.

So the guy turns the knob and proscenes to open the door. And I dont even trip, I just all stand there, like, whats the what man?

He goes "Good, my young scholar, you're all awake and shit." When he bravely spoke these words I was completely taking a back! How could i be called a scholar! I'm just a brass tax down to earth total head! But, I was so intrigued by his words that I decided to listen on.

The guy, who was all british looking with a white beard, medieval knight armor, and an owl on his shoulder, said "I'm quite sorry for your painfulness at the rude way we absconded you, but unfortunately we had to be secret about it, because you're so important. You see, we need you to be the hagriographer for a very special someone."

I was speechless and dumbfloundered, i slacked my jaw and asked "Whats a hagriographer? Even somebody of my erudite learning doesn't know it all!"

The guy chuckled good naturedly and then gave me a good natured wink. "Well, liege, a hagriographer is like the men of old who trainscribed the glorious deeds of the kings of the realm!" As he said this he sweapt his arm high in the air.

Whoa! Trip out on that shit! What about my boat. As if he was psycically reading my mind's thoughts, he goes "

"Ha Ha Ha , i know what you're thinking of and its quite lol! But, true be told, if you make it big time, burn the midnight elbow grease and hunger down, I promise you that I am going to give you this very boat you have been abducted onto." Then he stroked his beard thoughtfully.

I wasn't no dumbass, so i was all like "Hey man, what kind of boat is this anyways, huh?"

Still stroking it, he said "Nothing but a 45TX with a 22 mv sinker and hull beepers. Not bad, yeah?"

I could only nod, he had me. "All right, who shall I be hagriographing? "

But before he could answer a loud voice was heard from outside the cabin "Evildoers, prepare to be boarded."

What!?! I was on a boat with evildoers? This guy might be a liar!

"Quickly my fair young liege, we must away from here!!" He motioned to me with his arms by waving them. But, could i trust him?

go with him because he's all merlyn looking p. 17

escape on your own p.55

stay in the room and hide p64