-What is the full range of somatic effects of THC?
-A good way to resolve and expand on "The Marked" plotline in The 4400 would have been to attribute the success of The Marked to someone's or some peoples' 4400 ability. It would turn out that the faction supporting the The Marked were marginal in influence, but bolstered, intentionally or unintentionally strengthening them. Then, this could turn into a hunt for the person/people whose powers are doing this, and various dilemma's, like should they kill to stop the persons powers, or should they restrict promycin lest it encourage more powers like these.
-Becoming aware of a thought develops or inhibits it's progression.
-Areas of the brain inhibited/excited/aggravated by THC as expressed in their exhibition perception and experience, such as:
-Light, Long Term Memory, Short Term Memory, Imagination, Language, Humor
-Differing linguistic tendencies might in some proportion, correspond to genotypic differentiation.
Some people might be better in communication based on their genotype. Some people are better at converstaion and, when this extends to conversations with the self, I wonder what sort of advantages/disadvantagtes in regards to figuiring out things, or controlling oneself there are. Are there people wiht markedly less ability to converse with themselves, and what do they do isntead?
Is this a lot of what prayers are about. What exactly is involved in the statements like "So, I said to myself...." How much talking to oneself is actually going on, and what does talking to oneself indicate about Wernicke's/Broca's area?
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