What you are not likely to hear from Carey Mcwilliams is an outcry against the murder of white men carried out by radical Mexican insurgents.
He spends an awful lot of time laying out a tale of infamy in which the starring villain role is played by none other than Anglo-Saxons. He refers to the God given plan of Anglo-Saxon domination of this continent as empire, but says nothing of the corrupt, excessively demotic Mexican radicals from whom we rescued these lands.
Would Mr. Mcwilliams (who writes for the radically Marxist The Nation) prefer that we had left the free white Americans who lawfully inhabited the lands west of Oklahoma at the mercy of the mestizo hordes?
Like many advocates of mob rule, negro emancipation, and every other sundry cause that hinders the free development of the American spirit, Mr. Mcwilliams regards lynching as a tool best kept out of the hands of White Christians.
And this is where the democratic hypocrisy of people like Mcwilliams reveals itself quite plainly: While appealing to populist, mob-rule rhetoric, he also seeks to disarm white folk of the one tool they have against crazed Mexicans and other unchristian races: Lynching.
Lynching is a process of communal justice, in keeping with the laws of our republic, and the spirit of law bequeathed to us by those great patricians that sloughed off the yolk of mad King George.
And now mob-rule supporters, like Michael Moore and Sean Penn, deny the right of self defense to white, free men, while supporting the anarchy of the Mexican race, whose incessant attacks on white settlers are second in vehemence only to those perpetrated by the red savage.
Is this charitable populism? Is this the demotic spirit that our republic needs?
And what is lynching? They will tell you it's racist, but, in fact, free white men are lynched too. And this is utterly flawed reasoning, since the greater likelihood of vice and evil is with those races who are in fact more often lynched.
Do not blame lynching of Mexican greasers, who have attacked and raped, on the white men who enact justice.
And the ultimate irony is that lovers of the mob like Mcwilliams are really after government intervention into the western territories. What they really want is for the Hamiltonians to have their day and the continent to be subdued by those distant powers of the capitol.
All across our Republic, northern libertines and other radicals are proposing the dissolution of our way of life. Negro emancipation to destroy the southern economy and right to property, women's suffrage to allow easily misguided women (who are perfectly happy as it is) the power to tyrannize their fathers and husbands, and now they want to take our right to execute justice in defense of our communities.
They want federal judges, controlled by the president and congress, to be sent out into the western territories to interfere with the liberty and free development of sovereign Americans.
We cannot let this stand. We cannot sit by, as our liberties are ripped from our hands, as the lesser sex and lesser races our given the whip over us.
We know what becomes of causes initiated in the name of lesser peoples: the tyranny of the French Revolution and the Bolsheviks.
If you, Americans, let them wrest the lynching rope from your hands, than you might as well give them the rest of your belongings, and your very life, for if they can take away the communal justice of lynching, than there is, truly, no stopping them.
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