Tuesday, September 22, 2009

NEXT-DIMENSION EDITORIAL: Obama's 'Emancipation' Actually Threatens Middle Class

Swept to power on a wave of self-conscious shame at the patriotism aroused in the face of Al Qaeda's vicious blow at the heart of our Christian nation, Barack Obama has gotten away with quite a lot in his first eight months.

Not only has he implemented his radical leftist agenda of Government domination of our free market, he has also appointed countless czars, to override the traditional powers held by various parts of our national government, as intended by our founding fathers.

It is not enough that he has single handedly quadrupled the power and size of government, now he has revealed the strictly radical Marxist character of his political philosophy.

"Free the slaves!", he snarls. "We can't just continue down the same road!"

And the liberals who control the media applaud and place their hands over the hearts in a million schoolyard crushes, all directed at this demagogue, who seeks in a few years to abolish our noble traditions.

As a negro, it is natural that Mr. Obama would follow his tribal instinct, particularly, since he was born and raised in the deepest Jungles of Africa, and not in America, as Real Americans are born.

But, to 'emancipate' the slaves, as everyone conveniently fails to mention, will bring utter devastation to the economy, cripple the middle class, give this tyrant a ready army of his fellow Africans, and utterly destroy the principle of Private Property.

What is to stop the government from seizing any man's house, horse, or machine, if thousands of legally owned assets are ripped out of the hands of law abiding citizens by Obama's decree?

Who will be there to stop him when he emancipates the property of any white man who opposes his experimental socialist policies?

And if Real Americans should, at a later date, be shaken out of their slumber, how will they be able to fight off the mobs of 'free' negroes, who, in their basic simple nature, are so easily swayed by Obama's hatred of the White Race?

Now to the crux of this so called 'emancipation.' What the Muslim-lovers in the media will not tell you is that the hardest hit by this imperious decree will, in fact, be the small businessman. The mom and pop enterprise, who barely get buy month to month with the work of his meager collection of slaves.

They tell you its the rich they are going after, the large plantations, the tobacoo and cotton giants. But, in fact, it has always been the goal of the Abolitionist movement to take away the power of the little man to earn his keep and provide for his family.

This so called emancipation is nothing more than plain theft, theft by the government, theft of property, theft of our heritage, and, most of all, theft our Country.

Let us pray that Obama fails, and fails miserably. Let us pray night and day for this African's failure, foregoing eat and sleep if it gives us more time to pray for his downfall.


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